How it all began!

Greetings Everyone!

Thankyou for stopping by the game me and my friends made for fun! This game was made in the span of two months in our free time, it all started with me and my friends going into a call with a doodling website, while I was waiting for rest to join, I was drawing a grass block wearing sandals, I named him Greg, simply because the name is very goofy.

and thats when it sparked, what if we made a game with the character, and we all agreed that we should do a Typing Action Game! where you the main character, or so called Greg got mad over a delivery truck throwing a package into your window, this caused Greg to chase after the trucks as the delivery truck throws more boxes onto your way to stop you, with a twist that the boxes are sentient and could walk and dance, very random clusters of ideas, we all loved it; simply because its all goofy and random.

along the way we drew assets, came up with ideas, made even more things, coded here coded there, the rest of the team were in charge with the art, while I do all of the coding, sadly not everything we wanted was able to go into this project, as it simply died out of interest from the team very quickly, so it became a me thing shortly after, ive been trying my best to mimic the art of the team to create assets for things the game needed like UI buttons and flowers. and ive been trying my best to release this out into the world as quickly as possible to get it off my todo list, and here we are today! I am now releasing the game for everyone for free! as it is made with love, and not with greed in mind, I hope you all enjoy the work of me and my friends and beat the highest score we had, 750!


The Great Box Chase.exe 76 MB
Jun 10, 2024
The Great Box Chase.x86_64 79 MB
Jun 10, 2024

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